Archives - Page 2

  • No. 23 (2011)

    Articles by Luis Villoro, Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo, Víctor Manuel Pineda Santoyo, Emiliano Mendoza Solís, Oliver Kozlarek. Dossier: Fenomenología where Ted Toadvine, Rubén Sánchez Muñoz, Eduardo González Di Pierro, Nicola Reali write. Book reviews:

    -Julio Quesada Martin, Heidegger de camino al holocausto, Madrid, Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 2008, 332 pp.

    -Anthony Stanton (Editor), Octavio Paz: entre poética y política, México, El Colegio de México, 2009, 327 pp.

    -Mario Teodoro Ramírez, La razón del otro. Estudios sobre el pensamiento de Luis Villoro, México, IIF-UNAM, 2010, 178 pp.

  • No. 22 (2010)

    Articles by Luis Villoro, Amalia González Suárez, Luisa Posada Kubissa, Adriano Correia, Esther Sanginés García, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes, Richard Theisen Simanke, Patrick A. E. Hutchings, Iñaki Díaz Balerdi. Book reviews:

    -Víctor Manuel Pineda, Horror Vacui: voluntad y deseo en el pensamiento de Spinoza, Plaza y Valdéz- UMSNH, 2009, pp. 232. Presentación en el Aula Mater, Colegio de San Nicolás. Diciembre 10 de 2009.

    -Hans Blumenberg, Tiempo de la vida y tiempo del mundo, Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2007, pp. 319.

  • No. 21 (2010)

    Devenires is ten years old. It was conceived and founded by Dr. Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián, who was also its first director, followed by Dr. Rosario Herrera Guido. In January 2000, the first issue of the magazine appeared; it published texts by Luis Villoro, Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Enrique Dussel, Rubí de María Campos, Carlos B. Gutiérrez, Rosario Herrera, Jaime Vieyra and Ambrosio Velasco. Now, reader, you have number 21 and you can check, judging by the signatures and titles that make it up, the continuity and, at the same time, the novelty of the magazine's editorial line. Continuity because the guidelines that guided and still guide us are the plurality of opinions, the openness to diverse themes and fields of contemporary thought and the attentive listening to what happens around us. The novelty would come from the frequent publication, if not in all of the issues, of dossiers on different subjects; you can see this in this issue, for example, where one is dedicated to phenomenology. Moreover, due to the technique, the 20 issues can be consulted online, which obviously means that our readers can have access to the contents of the magazine from anywhere in the world. We see the philosophy as an unfinished and endless task, always accompanied by a certain margin of uncertainty and surprise. Far from the dogma that crushes with the authority that endorses or imposes it, far, too, from the common opinion accepted uncritically and naively, far, in short, from the supposed universal and absolute truths of science, philosophy - attentive to the problems concerning the human being - never finds rest. The restlessness that surrounds it, however, is not that of uneasiness or despair, but that of a healthy and wise scepticism. In this sense, our magazine follows this line of research, as well as dedicating special attention to the philosophy of culture as seen not only from Mexico, but also from Latin America. Ultimately, this is how Devenires intends to reflect that elusive reality we call the world of life. We would like to thank all those who collaborated with their texts, all the readers, and all the people who in one way or another made possible the timely appearance of Devenires.


  • No. 20 (2009)

    Articles by Ricardo Gibu, José Barrientos Rastrojo, Eduardo Pellejero, María del Carmen Martínez Genis, Emmanuel Ferreira. Dossier: Filosofía de la historia e Historia conceptual II, in which Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar, Elena Nájera, Lorena Rivera, María G. Navarro, José Manuel Sánchez  write. Book reviews:

    -Guillermo Hurtado, El búho y la serpiente. Ensayos sobre la filosofía en México en el siglo XX, México, UNAM, 2007

    -Carlos Lenkersdorf, Aprender a Escuchar, México, Plaza y Valdés, 2008, pp. 163

  • No. 19 (2009)

    Articles by Esther Sanginés García, María Rosa Palazón Mayoral, Oscar Horta. Dossier: Filosofía de la historia e Historia conceptual I with the participation of Faustino Oncina Coves, José Manuel Romero Cuevas, Antonio Gómez Ramos, Maximiliano Hernández Marcos, Roberto R. Aramayo. Book reviews:


  • No. 18 (2008)

    Articles by Pablo Lazo Briones, Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, Pio Colonnello, Alejandro Mumbrú Mora, Mario Rojas Hernández, Ricardo Sánchez García, Marco Arturo Toscano Medina, Manuel Ángel Fernández Lorenzo. Book reviews:

    -Angélica Salmerón, Unamuno y la modernidad cuestionada, México, Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz, 2005, 243, pp.
    -Hannah Arendt, Karl Marx y la tradición del pensamiento político occidental, Edición de Agustín Serrano De Haro, Madrid, Encuentro, 2007, 120 pp.
    -Eduardo Pellejero, Deleuze y la redefinición de la filosofía, Morelia, Jitanjáfora, 2007, 361 pp.
    -José Rubio Carracedo, Teoría crítica de la ciudadanía democrática, Madrid, Trotta, 2006, 187 pp.

  • No. 17 (2008)

    Articles by Juan A. Nicolás, Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián, Héctor Samour, Renato Prada, José Luís Câmara Leme, Rush González, Carlos Molina Velásquez. Book reviews:
    -Jaime Vieyra García, México: utopía, legado y conflicto, México, Ed. Jitanjáfora, 2007, 415 pp.
    -Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Filosofía y creación. Ensayos diversos, Morelia, Ed.Driada/UMSNH, 2007, 243 pp.
    -James Fentress y Chris Wickham, Memoria social, Madrid, Cátedra, 2003, 264 pp.

  • No. 16 (2007)

    Articles by José Ramón González Parada, Ramón Rodríguez, Víctor Manuel Pineda, László Tengelyi, Jaime Vieyra, Daniel H. Cabrera, Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo, José María Filgueiras Nodar. Book reviews:
    -Ramón Rodríguez, Heidegger y la crisis de la época moderna, Madrid, Síntesis, 2006 (segunda edición), pp. 254.
    Olga Pombo, Unidade da ciência. Programas, figuras e metáforas, Lisboa, Ediçoes Duarte Reis, 2006, pp. 340.
    -Michael Theunissen, Anteproyectos de modernidad: antigua melancolía y acedia de la Edad Media, trad. de Antonio de la Cruz Valles y Naomi Kubota, Valencia, Universidad de Valencia, 2005, pp. 87.

  • No. 15 (2007)

    Articles by María Luisa Maillard, Julio Quesada, José Manuel Romero Cuevas, Alfredo Rocha de la Torre, Carlos A. Bustamante, Eduardo Pellejero, Neri Aidee Escorcia Ramírez, Oliver Kozlarek. Book reviews:
    -Rosario Herrera Guido (coord.), Hacia una nueva ética, México, Ed. siglo XXI, 2006, pp. 352.
    -Fernando Pérez-Borbujo Álvarez, La otra orilla de la Belleza. En torno al pensamiento
    by Eugenio Trías, Barcelona, Herder, 2005, pp. 438.
    -Eugenio Trías, La política y su sombra, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2005, 163 pp.

  • No. 14 (2006)

    With articles by Carlos Alberto Girón Lozano, Harry P. Reeder, Jaime Vieyra, Olga Pombo, Gloria Cáceres Centeno. With a Dossier entitled: Centenarios where Rosario Herrera Guido, Rui Pereira, Juan Ignacio González Fernández, Marina López write. Reviews of the books "Una deformazione senza precedente", "Filosofia Culturalista", "20 tesis de política".

  • No. 13 (2006)

    With articles by María Luisa Maillard García, Marina López, Martin Heidegger, Dora Elvira García, Manuel Fernández Lorenzo, Richard Smith, Pio Colonnello. Reviews of the books "En busca de un lugar común: el espacio público en la teoría política contemporánea", "Los derechos de los otros. Extranjeros, residentes y ciudadanos", "Filosofía Analítica: un panorama", "La vida sin nombre. La lógica del espectáculo según David Lynch".

  • No. 12 (2005)

    Includes articles by Luis Villoro Toranzo, Eduardo Pellejero, Antonio Zirión Quijano, Oliver Kozlarek. With a Dossier entitled: Ortega y Gasset, en el cincuentenario de su muerte, where Javier San Martín, Rosario Herrera Guido, Eduardo González Di Pierro, Raúl Garces Noblecía participate. Reviews of the books "Sul femminile. Scritti di antropologia e religione (On the feminine. Writings of anthropology and religion)", "Función y crítica de la guerra en la filosofía de I. Kant", "El sol y la muerte", "La Filosofía y el Mal".

  • No. 11 (2005)

    With articles by Javier San Martín, Rosario Herrera Guido, Mario Teodoro Ramírez, José Manuel Romero Cuevas, Gabriela Soto Jiménez. A Dossier is included: Myths, imagination and memory. With the participation of Ana María Martínez de la Escalera, Leticia Flores Farfán, Elsa Rodríguez Brondo, Armando Villegas Contreras, Erika Lindig Cisneros. And reviews of the books: "El sentido de sí", "De la persona a la historia. Antropología fenomenológica y filosofía de la historia en Edith Stein", "Crítica y convicción", "Principios de bioética laica".

  • No. 10 (2004)

    Articles by Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Esteban Krotz, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Delgado, José Mendívil Macías, Rosario Herrera Guido, Leonardo Messinese, Glafira Espino Garcilazo and reviews of the books "En tierra de nadie. Theodor W. Adorno: una biografía intelectual", "lnternautas y náufragos. La búsqueda del sentido en la cultura digital", "La traición de la libertad, Seis enemigos de la libertad humana".

  • No. 9 (2004)

    Articles are published by Mariflor Aguilar Rivero, María Teresa Muñoz, Víctor Hugo Méndez Aguirre, María Rosa Palazón, Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo, Carlos A. Bustamante, Néstor A. Braunstein, Ignasi Brunet Icart-Evaristo Galeana Figueroa. And reviews of the books "Vías hermenéuticas", "Historia de la fenomenología en México" and "La memoria, la historia y el olvido".

  • No. 8 (2003)

    This issue features articles by Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Víctor Manuel Pineda, Marco Arturo Toscano Medina, Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo, Rosario Herrera Guido. A Dossier on the Congreso internacional de Filosofía de la Cultura y Filosofía Intercultural with participations by Rubí de María Gómez Campos, Raúl Garcés Noblecía, Marco Millán, Braulio González Vidaña, Fabián Giménez. There are also reviews of the books "Power Infierno", "Tiempos presentes", "En busca de la dignidad y del sentido de la vida", "Sobre la Bondad".

  • No. 7 (2003)

    Contains articles by Rosario Herrera Guido, Nicola Reali, Oliver Kozlarek, Rafael Farfán, María Rosa Palazón. Also included is a Dossier on the International Congress of Philosophy of Culture and Intercultural Philosophy with articles by José M. González García, Mauricio Beuchot, María Verónica Nava Avilés, Fidel Tubino Arias-Schreiber. There are also book reviews: "Una cultura derivada. El filosofar sobre México de Samuel Ramos" and "Temas de filosofía hermenéutica. Conferencias y ensayos".

  • No. 6 (2002)

    In this issue 6, articles are published by Jan Patocka, León Olivé, Marco Arturo Toscano Medina, Jaime Vieyra García, Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Rosario Herrera Guido. A Dossier entitled Filósofas with articles by Rubí de María Gómez Campos, Ángela Ales Bello, Eduardo González Di Pierro, Greta Rivara Kamaji, María Teresa Muñoz. Reviews of the books "Eichmann en Jerusalén, un estudio sobre la banalidad del mal" and "Variaciones sobre arte, estética y cultura".

  • No. 5 (2002)

    In this issue a Dossier entitled Eurocentrism, globalization and interculturality is published which includes texts by Bernhard Waldenfels, Oliver Kozlarek, Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Rubí de María Gómez Campos, Esteban Krotz, Juan Álvarez-Cienfuegos Fidalgo, Klaus Held, Luis Villoro. Also included are articles by Fabio Ciaramelli, Rosario Herrera Guido, Raúl Alcalá Campos, Salvador Jara Guerrero.

  • No. 4 (2001)

    With his characteristic critical sense, and not without a certain amount of humour, Karl Popper once suggested that the first philosopher was not really the first but the second, pointing out with this paradox that philosophy (and all conceptual thought) is only formed as a "critical tradition", as a collective activity in history. This means that a philosophical theory is not constituted, above all, through references to things or to one's own experiences and opinions, but through a historical procedure of discussion, analysis and critique of other theoretical positions that have preceded it, against which that theory can define its contributions and acquire, in turn, meaning and value for those that will follow. In reality, being able to maintain and subsist, to create a tradition, is a universal feature of all social and cultural activity (in the theoretical fields: theology, philosophy, science; and in the practical fields: morality, politics, art). In the case of a publication, we could say the same thing, particularly in contexts such as ours: that the first issue of a journal is not really the first but the second or third. For only the survival and continuity of an editorial project gives identity and reality to its proposal. As Deleuze said, the essence of a thing is not in its origin but in its becoming, and this is true, of course, in the case of Devenires. For this reason it is only now, when we are two years old and reaching number four, that we want to celebrate, without completely renouncing a certain amount of prudence, the appearance of our publication and its editorial and philosophical project. 

  • foto portada no. 3

    No. 3 (2001)

    Articles by Rubí de María Gómez, Oliver Kozlarek, Rosario Herrera Guido, Dora Elvira García, Fernanda Navarro, Leticia Flores Farfán, Alberto Vargas Pérez, Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián, and Antonio Duplá.
    As well as book reviews:
    Aurelia Vargas Valencia (comp.), Derechos humanos, filosofía y naturaleza, México, UNAM, 2000, 171 pp.
    Eugenio Trías, Ética y condición humana, Barcelona, Destino, 2000, 156 pp.

  • No. 2 (2000)

    Second issue of Devenires with texts by Jorge J. C. Gracia, Marco Arturo Toscano Medina, Juan Álvarez Cienfuegos-Fidalgo, María Rosa Palazón Mayoral, Eduardo González Di Pierro, Mauricio Pilatowski, Mauro Carbone and a three-way discussion between Alberto Cortez, Mario Teodoro Ramírez and Carlos Pereda.

  • No. 1 (2000)

    The Journal's first issue.

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