The relevance of philosophy as social philosophy


  • Oliver Kozlarek Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo



Critical Theory, crisis, COVID, Anthropocene


The article argues for a philosophy that wants to understand itself primarily as a social philosophy. This refers to a philosophy that is characterized by a commitment to society in a double sense: On the one hand, it is a commitment to a normative concept of society, which is above all a countervailing power to the State. On the other hand, it is a concept of society that understands itself always as a place of crisis. Against this background, philosophy as social philosophy is to be understood as a crisis manager. The article aims to show that this understanding is expressed above all in the tradition of Critical Theory, but also that the current versions of this tradition lack a normatively substantive concept of society.

Author Biography

Oliver Kozlarek, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Oliver Kozlarek es Profesor e Investigador de la Facultud de Filosofía “Samuel Ramos” de la UMSNH. Kozlarek es Dr. en Humanidades (UAM) y Dr. en Filosofía (Universidad Libre de Berlín). Algunas de sus publicaciones: Modernidad como conciencia del mundo. Ideas para una teoría social humanista (Siglo XXI: 2014); Postcolonial Reconstruction: A Sociological Reading of Octavio Paz (Springer: 2016); The Critical Humanism of the Frankfurt School as Social Critique (Rowman & Littlefield: 2024).


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How to Cite

Kozlarek, O. (2024). The relevance of philosophy as social philosophy. Devenires, 25(50), 13–33.


