Critical theory and the challenge of globalization


  • Oliver Kozlarek Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


critical theory, globalization, political philosophy


In recent years the concept of globalization migrated successfully from the discourse of the mass media into the realm of social theory and political philosophy. But this migration does not only reflect real economic, political and social changes, it also expresses the need to revise our theoretical toolboxes. Theory itself becomes the target of this scrutiny. This is where critical theory comes into play. Its objective has always consisted in a self-critique of theory. But this also means that critical theory —which is today in its third generation— has to be critical towards itself. This article will argue that, in particular, a critical theory of globalization has to learn from its mistakes. It has to accept more willingly the consequences of the awareness of contingency and has to work on its inherent Eurocentrism.


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How to Cite

Kozlarek, O. . (2002). Critical theory and the challenge of globalization. Devenires, 3(5), 22–41. Retrieved from


