No. 21 (2010)

					View No. 21 (2010)

Devenires is ten years old. It was conceived and founded by Dr. Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián, who was also its first director, followed by Dr. Rosario Herrera Guido. In January 2000, the first issue of the magazine appeared; it published texts by Luis Villoro, Mario Teodoro Ramírez, Enrique Dussel, Rubí de María Campos, Carlos B. Gutiérrez, Rosario Herrera, Jaime Vieyra and Ambrosio Velasco. Now, reader, you have number 21 and you can check, judging by the signatures and titles that make it up, the continuity and, at the same time, the novelty of the magazine's editorial line. Continuity because the guidelines that guided and still guide us are the plurality of opinions, the openness to diverse themes and fields of contemporary thought and the attentive listening to what happens around us. The novelty would come from the frequent publication, if not in all of the issues, of dossiers on different subjects; you can see this in this issue, for example, where one is dedicated to phenomenology. Moreover, due to the technique, the 20 issues can be consulted online, which obviously means that our readers can have access to the contents of the magazine from anywhere in the world. We see the philosophy as an unfinished and endless task, always accompanied by a certain margin of uncertainty and surprise. Far from the dogma that crushes with the authority that endorses or imposes it, far, too, from the common opinion accepted uncritically and naively, far, in short, from the supposed universal and absolute truths of science, philosophy - attentive to the problems concerning the human being - never finds rest. The restlessness that surrounds it, however, is not that of uneasiness or despair, but that of a healthy and wise scepticism. In this sense, our magazine follows this line of research, as well as dedicating special attention to the philosophy of culture as seen not only from Mexico, but also from Latin America. Ultimately, this is how Devenires intends to reflect that elusive reality we call the world of life. We would like to thank all those who collaborated with their texts, all the readers, and all the people who in one way or another made possible the timely appearance of Devenires.


Published: 2010-01-15