Updating or redefining critical theory?


  • Mario Teodoro Ramírez v


critical theory, praxis, theory


This essay argues the validity and current situation of the “critical theory”, in the restrictec sence of the so-called “School of Frankfurt”, and in the wider sense refered in all view, since Marxism, poses a critic to the society as a standpoint of a revolutionary praxis. The thesis is focused in three main ideas with which Marxist thought and any critical theory are regularly identified: 1) the thesis about the superirity of praxis over theory; 2) the hope of elaborating a social theory with a look of scientiphical objectivity; and 3) the critical valoration as fundamental attitude of the social exercise of the intelectual faculties. After going into details these three aspects ot the critical theory, underlying its equivocations and theorical limits, we finally proceed to offer a redefinition of such thesis- beyond Marxism and all critical theory- in order of unidentiying the critical attitude of some very precise theorical fremaworks to universalized it as a basic, and never giving up attitude, of the human thought in general, which has obviously be seen as a gain, not as a lost.



How to Cite

Ramírez, M. T. . (2003). Updating or redefining critical theory?. Devenires, 4(8), 7–28. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/631


