Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein

Reflections phenomenological about the time


  • Rubén Sánchez Muñoz Universidad Veracruzana


phenomenology, Time, ontology, realism


The aim of text is demonstrated the influence that Hedwig Conrad-Martius’s theses about the time had in the development of Stein’s ideas on the same team in Being finite and Being eternal, searching the fingerprints of the movement phenomenological early in both philosophers, of his interests for the ontology and the realism. We reconstruct the Conrad-Martius’ theses from Stein’s work, and enter the matter of the relations between the ego and God. This reconstruction of Conrad-Martius’ ideas opens a line of investigation about the time and the being.

Author Biography

Rubén Sánchez Muñoz, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciado en filosofía por la Universidad Veracruzana (2008). Actualmente cursa la maestría en Filosofía en la misma casa de estudios y es becario de CONACYT dentro del padrón de excelencia en estudios de posgrado. Ha publicado en las revistas Contrapunto y La Ciencia y el Hombre. Autor de la obra La fugacidad del ser en la filosofía de Edith Stein, próxima a publicarse en la Editora de Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz.



How to Cite

Sánchez Muñoz, R. . (2011). Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein: Reflections phenomenological about the time. Devenires, 12(23), 105–122. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/460




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