Metaphysics, event and culture


  • Marco Arturo Toscano Medina Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


metaphysics, event, culture


The paper presents and characterizes, at its most outstanding aspects, one of the most important conceptual creations of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze: the Event. Such presentation takes place from a wider problematic context: the crisis of the substantialist and identitarian metaphysical thought and the appearance of a new metaphysical thought linked to the philosophy of the event. Finally, the metaphysics of the event brings into a breakdown, ending up in an overlook of the concept of culture and its consequences. The contents of Metaphysics, event and Culture are based and discussed thanks to two other philosophers: Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas.


Gustavo Bueno. El mito de la cultura. Barcelona: Prensa Ibérica, 1996.

Fernando Bárcena y Joan-Carles Mélich. La educación como acontecimiento ético. Barcelona: Paidós, 2000.

Gilles Deleuze. Foucault. México D.F.: Paidós, 1987.

Gilles Deleuze. Diferencia y repetición. Madrid: Júcar Universidad, 1988.

Gilles Deleuze. Lógica del sentido. Barcelona: Planeta-Agostini, 1994.

Gilles Deleuze. Conversaciones. Valencia: Pre-textos, 1999.

Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari. ¿Qué es la filosofía?. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2001.

Michel Foucault. Las palabras y las cosas. México D.F.: Siglo XXI, 1994.

Michel Foucault. Theatrum Philosophicum. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1999.

Jürgen Habermas. Pensamiento postmetafísico. México D.F.: Taurus, 1990.

Marco Arturo Toscano Medina. "Metafísica, postmetafísica y cultura", en Devenires No.4, Morelia, UMSNH/Facultad de Filosofía “Dr. Samuel Ramos Magaña”, Julio, 2001.



How to Cite

Toscano Medina, M. A. . (2002). Metaphysics, event and culture. Devenires, 3(6), 40–74. Retrieved from




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