Poetics of deconstruction


  • Rosario Herrera Guido Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


poetics, deconstruction, logocentrism


The purpose of this paper is to interpret the thought of Jacques Derrida in regard to the writting, scripture, logocentrism, the trace, the difference and grammatology in order to extract a poetics of deconstruction of metaphysics. As we know; this is a subject that not only belongs to phylosophy or to theoretical criticism, since it moves or displaces institutional structures and cultural models as well. It turns out to be an impossible and asystematic thought since it is not regulated by truth nor by any philosophical authority. It is a poetics of metaphysical deconstruction which does not create philosophical concepts and therefore breaks or ends with the absolute and diseminates itself along the illimited character of the text.


Jacques Derrida. De la grammatologie. Paris: Minuit, 1967a.

Jacques Derrida. L’écriture et la différence. Paris: Seuil, 1967b.

Jacques Derrida. Positions. Paris: Minuit, 1972a.

Jacques Derrida. "La farmacie de Platón", en La dissémination. Paris: Seuil, 1972b.

Jacques Derrida. Marges de la philosophie. Paris: Minuit, 1972c.

Maurizio Ferraris. La hermenéutica. México D.F.: Taurus, 2000.

Martin Heidegger. Sendas perdidas. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1960.

Martin Heidegger. ¿Qué es la filosofía?. Madrid: Narcea, 1978.

Martin Heidegger. De camino al habla. Barcelona: Odós, 1987.

Jacques Lacan. Écrits. A selection. London: Tavistock, 1977.

Federico Nietzsche. Sobre verdad y mentira en sentido extramoral. Valencia: Teorema, 1980.

Cristina de Peretti. Jacques Derrida. Texto y deconstrucción. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1989.

Platón. "Fedro", en Obras Completas. Madrid: Aguilar, 1974.



How to Cite

Herrera Guido, R. . (2001). Poetics of deconstruction. Devenires, 2(3), 56–86. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/699


