Hermeneutics and psychoanalysis


  • Rosario Herrera Guido Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Paul Ricouer, hermeneutics, psychoanalysis


In this essay I evaluate the somewhat forced continuity that Paul Ricoeur perceives between hermeneutics and psychoanalysis, in order to prove that: 1. the discovery of the unconscious cannot be assimilated by any kind of knowledge, 2. psychoanalysis cannot be reduced to psychology nor to human sciences because they ignore desire, 3. since ambiguity of language itself is the cause of the unconscious, any interpretation of the unconscious must tend towards equivocation and poetics, 4. hermeneutics must come closer to the poetic source of the subject of the unconscious in order to reach a proximity with the analytic experience, and finally, 5. there is no continuity at all between hermeneutics and psychoanalysis; there can be fruitful dialogue between both discourses only on the basis of poetical hermeneutics.


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Sigmund Freud. "Proyecto de psicología" (1895), en Obras Completas (T. I). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1979a.

Sigmund Freud. "El chiste y su relación con lo inconsciente" (1905), en Obras Completas (T. VIII). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1979b.

Sigmund Freud. "Algunas notas adicionales a la interpretación de los sueños (A los límites de la interpretabilidad)", en Obras Completas (T. XIX). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu,1979c.

Sigmund Freud. "Nuevas conferencias de introducción al psicoanálisis" (1933), en Obras Completas (T. XXII). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1979d.

Roman Jakobson. Arte verbal, signo verbal, tiempo verbal. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1995.

Eric Laurent. "Cuatro observaciones acerca de la inquietud científica de Lacan", en AA.VV. ¿Conoce usted a Lacan?. Barcelona: Paidós, 1995.

Paul Ricoeur. Freud: una interpretación de la cultura. México D.F.: Siglo XXI, 1975.

Paul Ricoeur. "The question of proof in Freud’s psychoanalytic writings", en Hermeneutics and the Human Scienses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.



How to Cite

Herrera Guido, R. . (2002). Hermeneutics and psychoanalysis. Devenires, 3(5), 170–201. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/680


