Psychoanalysis: Technique or Poetics? (150 years after the birth of Sigmund Freud)
Poetics, Psychoanalysis, FreudAbstract
In this paper I propound to show that, according to Freud, Lacan and Heidegger, there is not, properly speaking, a technique of psychoanalysis but a poetics, taking into account that, originally, the etymological roots of the words poíesis and tekne meant the same: creation and production. I add the meaning of invention to these former meanings, in order to suggest a poet(h)ics of psychoanalysis that may develop an ethics of wish that, in turn, may open the aesthetic dimension of creation. It is only from a poíesis that what has not been said may be said, and a new being that did not exist may be made, beyond method and technique. At the frontier between saying and not saying, a new object emerges, like a creation of reality, invention and innovation.
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