Religious pluralism and dialogue


  • Gustavo Ortiz Millán UNAM


religious pluralism, exclusivism, interreligious dialogue, political secularism


There are two basic ways of understanding religious diversity: pluralism and exclusivism. According to the first, all religions are equally valid ways of approaching god, while the second holds that there is only one way of getting to know god; namely, through religious truth and salvation. This paper analyzes these two ways of understanding religious diversity in order to understand what conceptions of disagreement and dialogue can be inferred from each one. I argue that any dialogue on substantive issues is likely to be unsuccessful if it seeks to end disagreement over such issues, but that dialogue may fulfill other functions (social, getting to know one another, etc.). Finally, I maintain that the most fruitful dialogue could be one that concerns the conditions of the possibility of interreligious dialogue itself, particularly those that have to do with toleration and political secularism.

Author Biography

Gustavo Ortiz Millán, UNAM

Es investigador en el Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACyT. Es doctor en filosofía por Columbia University. Ha sido investigador visitante en la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Es autor de los libros La moralidad del aborto (Siglo xxi, 2009); Aborto, democracia y empoderamiento (Fontamara, 2014); es compilador y editor de varios libros, el más reciente de los cuales es Lenguaje, mente y moralidad (UNAM, 2015). Asimismo, es autor de diversos capítulos de libros y de artículos publicados en revistas especializadas, sobre temas de metaética, ética aplicada y estética.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Millán, G. (2016). Religious pluralism and dialogue. Devenires, 17(33), 119–136. Retrieved from


