Poética del pensar y el ser en psicoanálisis
psychoanalysis, being, thinking, PoeticsAbstract
This essay aims to build, from Freud's work and Lacan's teaching, a poetic reading of thought and being, thanks to a dialogue between philosophy, psychoanalysis and poetics, starting from the subversion of the subject, the dialectic of desire and the subject of the unconscious. The fundamental axis revolves around the division of the subject, conceived as crossed by language, whose alienation is incurable, since there is no possible synthesis that would allow it to access a self-consciousness transparent to itself, since it is separated from its own knowledge, which indicates the presence of the unconscious, as an effect of language (poetic form in which language advances to tell its truth). A subject of the unconscious that is the result of the bath of language that the human infant receives, and that slips into the formations of the unconscious (the dream, the joke, the slip and the symptom), through metaphors and metonymies, figures of rhetoric and poetry, that will be thought of from Aristotle, Freud, Jakobson, Lacan, Heidegger, Ricoeur and Peace. A subject of the unconscious that questions the cogito (I think, therefore I am), through the questioning of the subject about his thought and his being, thanks to the incidence of the language that constitutes him.
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