Ethics of nomads

Notes to a practical philosophy, following Gilles Deleuze


  • Carlos A. Bustamante Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Gilles Deleuze, ethics, nomad


The present discussions in the field of practical philosophy may be classified in various ways. In some cases, it deals with the analysis of specific subjects, while in others, the debate is oriented towards what may be considered a “foundation” or point of departure which allows to set the terms of the discussion itself: the search of happiness, the fulfillment of duty, the greatest benefit for the majorities. But the fact of presenting a foundation, addressing it to a practical level, always gives rise to a difficulty: that is, to guarantee universal validity to the type of principles involved. In this article, we explore the alternative of evading a sol id “foundation” of practical philosophy —potentially inacceptable to those who simply do not care to share it— avoiding its confusion with the term “point of departure” or starting point. The works of Gilles Deleuze, in this sense, offers the advantage of a systematic will to abolish foundations —in the sense of “Image of Thought”—, without implying that the starting point should be omitted. The French author, ever since Difference et Répétition (1968) and Logique du Sense (1969), was in favor of a tentative conception of that which differs in itself, tentative that involves a series of notions related to an ethical and a political action, that have to do with proposals he makes on the practical subjectagents that face the Stoic old duty of “being worthy of what occurs”, with the possibility to Counter effect it...


Gilles Deleuze. Lógica del sentido. Barcelona: Paidós, 1994.

Gilles Deleuze. Diferencia y repetición. Madrid: Júcar, 1988.

Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari. Mil mesetas. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2002.

John Rajchman. "Logique du sens, éthique de l’événement", dans Magazine Litteráire. Paris: Minuit, 1988, p. 39.



How to Cite

Bustamante, C. A. . (2004). Ethics of nomads: Notes to a practical philosophy, following Gilles Deleuze. Devenires, 5(9), 111–137. Retrieved from


