Cartographies of the theatrical image in contemporary French philosophy
philosophical scene, image of thought, poetic image, representationAbstract
This paper approaches the way in which the topic of theater circulates among the reflections of French philosophy in the second half of the 20th century. Within this theoretical inscription, we can find the reiteration of a methodological use of theater, which operates as a conceptual artifact that allows configuring a space for experimentation for philosophy, i.e., it allows establishing an operating logic of concepts that resembles the movement of the mise-en-scène. Likewise, contemporary French thought enters into dialogue with the crises and displacements of the conceptions of theater in the 20th century, which is why the reference to theater is not only methodological, but also considers poetic artistic practice and the concepts that emerge from it. In accordance with this, we propose to approach the topic of theater from the category of “theatrical image” to mark the dual aspect in which it appears in French philosophy: as theatrical image of thought and as poetic theatrical image.
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