Quixote: Romantic adventure, modern novel and omission


  • Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas


Don Quixote, Romanticism, novel, adventure, modernity


The commemoration of the iv Centennial of the publishing of Part 2 of Quixote seems an appropriate occasion to rediscover the varied interpretations that have appeared of this classic work of Spanish literature, with special emphasis on the romantic interpretation of Quixote. The search for happiness through literature, and the defense of an imaginative and creative vision, together with a subjective vision of reality, are some of the aspects that help us understand romanticism. This essay is based on Anthony Close’s postulate that Romanticism is responsible for the omission of the comical effect in Cervantes’ work. On the other hand, we consider that romanticism reflects one of modern man’s most essential ideals; namely, a yearning for adventure. Clearly, it is difficult to reconcile the misfortune of romantic thought, which consists in the discovery that its ideal is unattainable in this world, with this festive, humorous story of the witty gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha. Nevertheless, while as readers we need not feel any temptation to imitate Don Quixote, we can certainly imagine his adventures, and more interesting still, this may awake within us the romantic taste for adventure.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Orejudo Pedrosa, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid con la tesis titulada El Pecado del Conocimiento en la obra de Baudelaire. Actualmente desarrolla su actividad docente-investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (México), en la Unidad Académica de Ciencia Política. Ha publicado el libro Los Caminos de la Poesía y de la Crítica en Baudelaire, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2005. En colaboración con el Dr. Roberto Sánchez Benítez, Poéticas de la Modernidad en Baudelaire y Valéry, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2005; Baudelaire: La Conciencia Poética de la Modernidad, Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura, 2010. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores y Perfil Promep.


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How to Cite

Orejudo Pedrosa, J. C. (2015). Quixote: Romantic adventure, modern novel and omission. Devenires, 16(32), 139–154. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/274




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