The Kantian Conception of Cosmopolitan Society in the Face of Globalization
Kant, cosmopolitan society, globalization, perpetual peaceAbstract
This paper examines the origin and development of the Kantian idea of cosmopolitan society that considers the prevailing conceptions of history of his time, the systematic requirements of transcendental philosophy and, especially, the economic and political situation of Germany in the late eighteenth century. It then focuses on The Perpetual Peace, analyzing in detail both its preliminary and definitory articles in an effort to establish their current viability. The Kantian Project is presented as a realistic solution that responds to the situation of that time because it is based on the notion of the individual and a substantialist interpretation of politics. However, none of these instruments proves useful when faced with the challenges of globalization. Consequently, this Project cannot be implemented in the terms proposed by Kant. Nevertheless, the concept of cosmopolitan society is still valid as a regulative principle because the ideal of reason is a constant: living in a just and peaceful society.
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