Author Guidelines
After the arbitration process, the opinion on the acceptance or rejection of the work will be communicated by the editor-in-chief to the responsible author, with the corresponding indications that support the decision issued.
The final version of the accepted works will be received with the following specifications:
1. The text must be incorporated into the Magazine platform, without format. That
is, without tabulations, indentations, raised lines, centered or right-aligned parts and without syllable separation. Bold or highlighted letters and italics or italics may be used, without exceeding their use. Avoid underlining. Footnotes can also be used.
2. The technical area of the Journal will not edit or modify tables, figures or
diagrams, so it is necessary that these be presented with the best possible
quality for publication.
Preliminary list for preparing shipments.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
The proposed works must not have been published or be submitted for publication in any other medium and are the total responsibility of the author (or authors), so the ITSÏ ECHERI Magazine Revista de Divulgación de Estudios Economía Agroalimentarios y del Desarrollo Rural, its staff or The members of its Committee and Editorial Board donot assume any responsibility in the event of possible controversies that the content of the published works could cause to the interests of third parties. Likewise, the published articles do not necessarily reflect the criteria of the Institute of Economic and Business
Research of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, unless otherwise specified. For the purposes of the above, it is recommended to send the format of the letter demanding originality and release of responsibility that is given to the authors to
sign: a contrariu sensu, the ITSÏ ECHERI Magazine Journal of Dissemination of Agri-Food and Development Economic Studies Rural reserves the right not to publish the works, despite having a positive opinion from the Arbitration Body.
Contributions must be the product of your line(s) of research. The scientific
dissemination areas of the magazine are the following:
* Agri-food studies.
* Rural development.
* Case Studies.
Manuscripts can be received in English or Spanish and must be sent electronically by visiting the journals website: or, if
applicable, to the following email:
The works will be submitted to the opinion of the Arbitration Body made up of specialized referees, so the publication reserves the right to reject, accept or require modifications to the works presented. All works are submitted to double-blind arbitration by the Arbitration Body that makes up the journal, which is made up of members of the National System of Researchers (SNI) of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCYT) or expert researchers in the field. area belonging to research institutions recognized nationally and internationally. Each work is reviewed by at least two evaluators, specifying in the opinion whether the article is accepted intact,
with modifications, or if it is definitively rejected. In the event of discrepant results, the work will be sent to a third evaluator, whose result will be final. The editor will inform the contact author of the result of the arbitration through the “Opinion Form”; If the work is accepted with modifications, the author must address them within a period of no more
than 20 calendar or ordinary days from the date of sending the opinion by the editor, and will send the electronic file of the article to the editor again along with a response file to said observations in Word format. The file consists of a detailed explanation of the modifications made considering every one of the observations indicated by the
evaluators. For this purpose, it is required to include the evaluator's comment and the
corresponding action or response of the author. When the author takes more than 20 calendar or ordinary days to respond to the evaluators' suggestions, the article will not be considered for publication in the next issue of the journal. The editor will inform the
contact author, if applicable, of the progress of their work in the judgment process, of the rejection, or the date of its publication. The magazine reserves the right to advance or postpone the accepted articles to give a better structure to each issue in accordance
with the editorial policy. Once the article has been accepted, it will undergo a style and form review for its final version. Print proofs in PDF format will be sent to the contact author and will be returned to the editor within a period of no more than five calendar or ordinary days after being received. If proofs are not submitted on time, the article will be
published without corrections.
The journal ITSÏ ECHERI Journal of Dissemination of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development is committed to promoting ethical conduct as a research publication; takes as reference the principles proposed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
in Guest edited collections best practice ( The most
important rules are:
Applicable to the magazine:
1. Provide details on the functions and duties of the members of the editorial board, director, editor-in-chief, associate editors, referees and authors.
2. Consult the members of the editorial board in a timely manner to evaluate their opinions on the operation of the journal and on planned changes to its policies and guidelines.
3. Receive articles sent to your portal and check that they comply with the focus
and scope of the magazine.
4. If there is a positive result in the first review, the article is sent to two referees,
specialists in the subject, whose observations and proposals are sent to the author.
5. Once this process has been completed, the publication of the article is
scheduled if it has been accepted, and the corresponding editing process is
carried out. Inform the author of the phase of the editorial process in which the submitted text is.
6. Ensure manuscripts are subjected to anti-plagiarism review using Plag Scan
software Discard manuscripts for publication if unethical conduct on the part of the author in the submitted work is determined. Among the unethical behaviors are the following:
6.1. Reuse your own material that has already been published without indicating the reference to the previous work.
6.2. Altering the data collection date of an investigation to present them in an article as if they were recent.
6.3. Present an article as original when it has already been published in another
language or another journal, or by another author(s).
6.4. Use ideas, tables, figures or photographs from another author without mentioning the source.
6.5. Have submitted the manuscript to another journal simultaneously.
6.6. Cite false bibliographical references that alter the veracity of the article.
Applicable to authors:
1. Send unpublished articles for review. Any previously published text will be
rejected. A work is considered to have been previously published:
1.1. When extensive fragments of previously published materials are included in the text sent to the journal.
1.2. When the work submitted is part of memoirs published in extenso.
2. Review information related to copyright, code of ethics, anti-plagiarism policies and those that guarantee ethical conduct of editorial processes.
3. Avoid any conflict of interest in the publication of data and results.
4. Cite and reference clearly any fragment that is taken from the work of another or from the author's own texts. This criterion implies due reference to data sources, figures, and documents.
5. Avoid extensive quotes or paraphrases of key aspects of other works or articles.
If necessary, it should adhere to academic conventions of style, such as the use
of quotation marks, or the typographic and editorial ways of highlighting paraphrases (typeface, indentation, etc.).
Disclosure articles must comply with the following guidelines:
1. The works must be submitted in the following format:
a. Margins: top (2 cm), bottom (4.25 cm), left (4.25 cm), right (4.25 cm).
b. Pagination: bottom right.
2. Microsoft Word 7.0 format. for Windows.
a. Text font size: Times New Roman 10
b. Title font size: Times New Roman 12 (Capital letters and bold).
c. Subtitle font size: Times New Roman 10 (Bold).
3. Line spacing between lines of text of 1.0
4. Justified paragraphs of the text.
5. Minimum length of 3 pages and maximum of 6
On the first page of the collaboration sent to arbitration and subsequently for publication, it must contain:
Title of the work in Spanish and in a separate line, the version of the title in English.
– Name(s) of the author(s)
- Department, faculty, university, or institution of membership.
- Email.
- Additionally, all collaborations must include a summarized resume of no more than two
pages in length, specifying:
* The full name.
* Academic degree obtained.
* Institution to which it belongs.
* Research areas.
The general organization in which the collaborations must be developed must be as
* Title. It should be brief and clear that reflects the content of the work. Do not
exceed ten words, written in Spanish.
* Author(s). The names of the authors, work institution of the author or authors of the article must be included, adding their affiliation (department, agency and
institution) and email address to the footer for each one.
* Problem. Indicate what the problem consists of, background, current state of
progress or discovery to be described.
* Development. Describe and accurately reveal all information regarding the
advance or discovery.
* Proposed Solution. Delineate the reasoning process implicit in the suggestion
that allows solving the identified problem.
* Social benefit. State who will benefit from the results of the research. In what
way? In short, what social reach does it have?
* Literature Cited. References will not necessarily appear in the definitive version
of the article in the journal. However, it is required to include the sources that the
authors used to author their article. This is important because they are talking
about other people's ideas or using parts of other texts. It helps show where their information comes from and why they think it is important to include it in thearticle.
* The article must have a minimum length of 3 pages and a maximum of 6,
including notes, graphic information and bibliographic reference of 65 characters
by 20 single-spaced lines. Tables, graphs and figures must be numbered and
integrated into the corresponding text.
a) The tables, graphs and figures must indicate the units of measurement, base
year and clarify whether they are percentage variations or absolute terms and
the item. For their enumeration, the Arabic system will be used (Table 1, 2, 3,
etc.) and the bibliographic source must be mentioned. They must additionally be
presented in black and white. b) Tables, figures, and graphs must be included
numbered within the text in the place where the author wishes them to appear. It
is possible that in the final edition the tables, figures and graphs may be moved.
b) The tables must be prepared in Word format. Figures and graphs must be high
resolution and included as Word images (never as bitmaps). They must not
contain the title within them and if they include text, it must be in Arial font.
Tables, figures and graphs must include the title and source.
Mathematical symbols and equations must be presented clearly. Complex equations
must be included as objects in the Word Equation Editor.
Footnotes will be presented at the corresponding footer and with continuous numbering,
they must be accompanied by their respective bibliographic citation and must be
inserted in Times New Roman size 9.
Bibliographic references within the text will follow the Harvard system (Greenspan,
2008:230). Bibliographic references at the end of the work must adhere to the APA 7
guidelines. Online sources must include their corresponding DOI or URL. References
will not necessarily appear in the definitive version of the article in the journal. However,
it is required to include the sources that the authors used to author their article. This is
important because they are talking about other people's ideas or using parts of other
texts. It helps show where their information comes from and why they think it is
important to include it in the article.
Clear, simple, concrete writing that allows for quick reading and is intended for an
audience not specialized in the subject.