About the Journal

Editorial Standards

The ITSÏ ECHERI Magazine Dissemination Magazine of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development, emerged in 2022 at the Center for Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development (CEEADER) of the Institute of Economic and Business Research (ININEE) of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), with the purpose of covering the need for dissemination and dissemination of research products related to the primary sector of the economy, thus contributing to strengthening the generation of knowledge and training of scientists in the study of phenomena linked to rural development and the agricultural sector. In its first issues the magazine has covered topics related to the CEEADER, currently becoming the dissemination organ of said Center; Its thematic coverage being the areas of:

  • Agri-food Studies.
  • Rural development.
  • Case Studies.

It should be noted that as the scientific dissemination body of CEEADER it will be able to consolidate disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration, which has allowed the efforts of ININEE researchers and professors to be combined with different national and foreign institutes and universities.

Therefore, the ITSÏ ECHERI magazine, Journal of Dissemination of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development, is a four-monthly electronic publication of social communication of science, aimed at the university community and the public interested in the topics associated with the agricultural and livestock sector of Mexico and abroad. Its main objective is to communicate issues related to rural development through the publication of articles and reviews that recover and revitalize the great contemporary theoretical challenges in this field.

The magazine ITSÏ ECHERI Magazine of Dissemination of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development, seeks to be a representative publication of the Nicolaita university community and a reference for the communication and social dissemination of agricultural sciences in Mexico and the world. It is distinguished by focusing on the agricultural issue within scientific, human, and technological development. The above will allow it to become an important resource that allows direct linkage between research and scientific dissemination processes, constituting an important resource for the purpose of expanded reproduction of the academic and professional communities dedicated to the study of phenomena in the agricultural sector.


Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research contributes to greater global exchange of knowledge.



Focus and scope.

The objectives of the magazine ITSÏ ECHERI Magazine for the Dissemination of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development are the following:

  1. To be a bridge and space for horizontal communication between the generators and communicators of science and the reading public on topics related to agri-food issues and rural development.
  2. Disseminate research, evaluations, innovations and experiences that contribute to reflection, debate and discussion of topics related to agri-food issues and rural development.
  3. Create a space for communication and visibility of researchers and scholars of agri-food issues and rural development, as fundamental subjects in the academic work of the Center for Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development of the ININEE UMSNH.
  4. Communicate relevant events linked to the work of the Center for Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development of the ININEE UMSNH.
  5. Communicate information related to the dynamics of the fundamental indicators of the agri-food economy and rural development at its various scales.


Thematic coverage is:

  • Agri-food Studies.
  • Rural development.
  • Case studies.

Declaration of non-commitment to the opinions of the authors

The content of the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors, so the ITSÏ ECHERI Journal Dissemination Magazine of Agri-Food Economic Studies and Rural Development, its staff or the members of its Internal and External Editorial Board, do not assume any responsibility in case of possible controversies that the content of the published works could cause to the interests of third parties. Likewise, the published articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CEEADER, ININEE or UMSNH.

Subscription costs and sales price per copy: no cost, no sales price, as it is an open access electronic publication.



Institute of Economic and Business Research



Institute of Economic and Business Research