Documentary heritage from a different archival perspective

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Yaminel Bernal Astorga


The purpose of this work is to generate a starting point that allows us to reflect on how to situate a renewed and interpretive archiving of documentary heritage, it is given new meaning, in such a way that it can be appropriated by an audience. It is an interdisciplinary exercise that recovers tools from communication and anthropology, it goes beyond considering activities such as exhibitions, guided tours, conferences or publications. We establish that the documentary heritage matters to the people if the question is answered: what do I have to do with this? Therefore, we see it necessary to reconsider the message and the way in which archivists present, communicate and share the heritage in their different materials.


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How to Cite
Bernal Astorga, Y. (2023). Documentary heritage from a different archival perspective. DICERE, (4), 139–148.

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