Didactic conception for the use of commercial cinema in the teaching of universal history

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Dennys Malvina Valdés Águila


In this work it is proposed to demonstrate the need and possibility of incorporation commercial cinema to the teaching-learning process of History, by means of didactic conception for its use as a teaching means linked to the didactic process of Universal History. With the systematization of the antecedents in the use of commercial cinema in the teaching of history, emphasizing the structural determinants, the reformulation of the concept of didactic is proposed, a concept validated in practice that perfects the incorporations of commercial cinema to the teaching-learning process of Universal History integrated to the curriculum.


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Valdés Águila, D. M. . (2022). Didactic conception for the use of commercial cinema in the teaching of universal history. DICERE, (2), 151–164. https://doi.org/10.35830/dc.vi2.22