Reflections on an ethical paradigm: an agambenian interpretation of the face to face


  • Hugo Martínez García Universidad de Guanajuato



profanation, Levinas, sociality, biopolitics, whatever singularity


The aim of this article is to offer an interpretation of the ethical moment that Levinas calls face-face as a paradigmatic case of profanation. For this purpose, a reading of three Agambenian concepts is carried out: paradigm, whatever singularity and profanation. Based on the analytical possibilities this conceptual triad offers, Levinasian ethics is interpreted as a type of paradigmatic activity capable of deactivate the biopolitical devices of government, above all, in terms of the social division that they generate. In this sense, the possibility of restoring a use of sociality which is currently captured by biopolitical devices opens up. Thus, the objective is to argue for an analytical path that opens possibilities of understanding —and eventual solution— regarding the claim of a social dimension that is diminished today; it is about restoring the face-face relationship to common use, deactivating the devices that make it a mere moment subordinated to the given order.

Author Biography

Hugo Martínez García, Universidad de Guanajuato

Realizó la licenciatura en Filosofía en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. En la misma casa de estudios cursó maestría y doctorado, ambos en Filosofía. Ha publicado algunos artículos dedicados al quehacer fenomenológico de Emmanuel Levinas, y al análisis del sujeto intercultural. Sus áreas de investigación son problemas de la conciencia, interculturalidad, neoliberalismo y biopolítica. Actualmente realiza una estancia de investigación postdoctoral en la Universidad de Guanajuato.


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How to Cite

Martínez García, H. (2024). Reflections on an ethical paradigm: an agambenian interpretation of the face to face. Devenires, 25(49), 47–83.


