On the sense and motivations of self-determination in Husserl’s ethics
phenomenology, will, freedom, practical reason, teleologyAbstract
The paper aims at deepening Husserl's understanding of self-determination and rational self-shaping of life by analyzing its temporal horizons, its motivations, and its conditions of practical possibility. First, we consider the role of the contemplation of past life and the anticipation of the future in the ethical reflection. Then, we refer to the limits of the freedom of will, emphasizing the determinations of the practical field. Our aim in this respect is to elucidate the relation between what one wants, what one can do in each circumstance, and the ethical normativity that always demands the realization of “the best”. In the final stages of the paper, we reflect on the sense of the ideal of self-determination in the context of an ethical perspective that gives a central role to the teleology of the development of ethical life, the evaluative motivation of the will, and the realization of an individual ethical task.
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