Travel Experiences


  • Erika Lindig Cisneros UNAM - Universidad Autónoma de Morelos


Hélène Cixous, experiences, travel


During the eighties the writer Hélène Cixous published a series of essays in answer to a general climate of violence toward the Other, but also addressing discourse about sexual difference which she considered confused. One of the theses which Cixous maintains in this work is that all of the Western Thought, throughout History, has been based on hierarchical and exclusive oppositions (such as History/Nature, Art/ Nature, Action/Passion), and all these binomial categories ultimate become one: Man/Woman. Consequently Cixous stress the necessity —which continues nowadays— to consider other kind of experiences which are no longer excluding of the Other, which might be feminine or passive, but also foreign, historic, contingent, mythical or imaginary. Like Cixous, we call these types of experience travel experiences.

Author Biography

Erika Lindig Cisneros, UNAM - Universidad Autónoma de Morelos

Licenciatura en Artes Visuales. Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, UNAM. Maestría en Filosofía. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. Actualmente inscrita en el Doctorado en Filosofía. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. Docencia: Filosofía del lenguaje, Textos filosóficos VII y Estética en la UNAM; Antropología Filosófica, Metodología de la investigación filosófica y Seminario de tesis en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Publicaciones recientes: “La crítica humanista. Una cuestión política”, en Acta Poética, número 23, 2002, Instituto de investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM, 2003. “La filosofía de la palabra de Guillermo de Humboldt”, en María Antonia González Valerio, Greta Rivara Kamaji y Paulina Rivero Weber (Coords.), Entre Hermenéuticas, FFyL, DGAPA, UNAM, 2004. Ha participado como ponente en diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales.



How to Cite

Lindig Cisneros, E. . (2005). Travel Experiences. Devenires, 6(11), 146–152. Retrieved from


