Emmanuel Lévinas: “science uninterrupted”, reason and skepticism


  • Rui Pereira Universidad de Lisboa


Emmanuel Lévinas, sciencie, reason, skepticism


Science is part of the general discourse about the “comprehension of Being” like philosophy, that is a wisdom of presence. The scientific and philosophical truth is, therefore, the truth of Being, the truth of an essence exposed in the evidence, it is the setting of a productive subjectivity that is thought as a thematized intentionality and freed of spirit. Hence, science is always an ideology pointing to the domination in the name of truth. Reason is an instrument of knowledge that articulates the event of Being in its thematized exposition or submission while this and that in knowledge. But, is science aware of the fact that its supposed objectivity cannot be avoided in every partiality? The author remarks his conclusion on the need that science should pay attention to the truth, but also, in the same way, to justice.

Author Biography

Rui Pereira, Universidad de Lisboa

Maestro en Fenomenología y Hermenéutica por la Facultad Letras de la Universidad de Lisboa, donde se tituló con la tesis A Ética como Des-inter-esse e Comunicação no pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas: Da Crise do Ser ao Direito de Ser (2006). Fue profesor en la Isla de Santiago (Cabo Verde). Actualmente cursa su doctorado en filosofía contemporánea en la Universidad de Lisboa y es miembro de Centro de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la misma universidad. Ha publicado (entre otros): “O Insucesso Escolar em Cabo Verde: Causas e Consequências” y “A Ética como Desinteresse e Comunicação: uma introdução ao pensamento de Emmanuel Lévinas”. E-mail: rmpdaveiga@hotmail.com



How to Cite

Pereira, R. . (2006). Emmanuel Lévinas: “science uninterrupted”, reason and skepticism. Devenires, 7(14), 172–182. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/565


