The Mystic in Villoro


  • Emmanuel Ferreira Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


mysticism, culture, Villoro


The theme of the mystic in Luis Villoro has not yet been examined adequately because it is not a predominant theme over the course of this author’s work; though it can be considered an important element within the bounds of his philosophy. Derrida’s idea that the boundaries reveal more of the essence of a work than does its center is very pertinent here, because the mystic understood as the unfathomable astonishment that is experienced upon coming face-toface with the rostrum of entirety or achieving transparency, the correct vision of the world in communion with it, as an encounter with that which is not representable but that makes one sense the certainty of truth, is an substantial element for both philosophy in general and for the vital dimension of culture, in addition to being the scenario where one may glimpse metonymically the objective of the philosophy of this Mexican thinker.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Ferreira, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Egresado de la facultad de filosofía de la UMSNH con la tesis “La búsqueda de una filosofía auténtica y de la autenticidad cultual en Luis Villoro”, con maestría en filosofía de la cultura con la tesis “La mística en Villoro” aprobada con mención honorífica; postgrado en “Psicoanálisis, sexualidad y clínica”, publicación del artículo “Luis Villoro: La pregunta por el sentido de la historia” en la revista Ziranda Uandani (papel que habla) No. 43 Julio- Septiembre 2007, publicación de los archivos del poder ejecutivo. Profesor de ética, lógica, antropología social y economía política en escuelas particulares.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, E. . (2009). The Mystic in Villoro. Devenires, 10(20), 93–121. Retrieved from


