See, this is my blood (or the Passion according to D.N.N.)


  • Jacob Rogozinski Universidad de Estrasburgo


Nebreda, art, passion


One of David Nebreda's photographic self-portraits shows us his Face covered with excrement. His body is out of the way, only the head appears, which seems to emerge from a mass of faeces arranged in front of it. None of the features of his face are visible: hardly any hair is visible, an ear, a half-open slit that could be a mouth, a mute outline of a scream - but his eyes disappear completely under the thick layer of matter that smears them. A face without a look, which has been photographed blindly, the face of a man who cannot look at himself, who prefers, rather than hold his own gaze, to be transformed into a pile of excrement. Where does it come from that, overcoming my nausea, I turn to this disfigured face? Why do I have the impression that this face without eyes, this face-disappearing face, looks at me, and that everything that Nebreda does, his photos, his drawings, his writings, concerns me intimately, concerns me deeply - that all this concerns/looks at us?

Author Biography

Jacob Rogozinski, Universidad de Estrasburgo

Ha sido director de programa en el Collège International de Philosophie, y docente (maître de conférences) en la Universidad de París. Actualmente es profesor titular en la Universidad de Estrasburgo, en donde sucedió a Jean-Luc Nancy y en donde dirige el “Centro de investigaciones en filosofía alemana y contemporánea”. Es miembro del comité de redacción de las revistas Lignes y Le Portique y director de los Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg. Entre sus principales obras destacan: Kanten - esquisses kantiennes (1996); Le don de la Loi - Kant et l’énigme de l’éthique (1999); Faire part - cryptes de Derrida (2005); Le moi et la chair - introduction à l’ego-analyse (2006) y Guérir la vie - la Passion d’Antonin Artaud (2011).



How to Cite

Rogozinski, J. (2012). See, this is my blood (or the Passion according to D.N.N.). Devenires, 13(25-26), 114–145. Retrieved from


