The Intercultural Challenge of Philosophy

Learning to Dialogue in a Plural Key


  • Bertold Bernreuter Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


intercultural, philosophy, epistemic, praxeological


In today’s highly globalized world, philosophy confronts a whole series of different intercultural challenges with which it must deal if it is to keep up with the times. The objective of this article, therefore, is to rethink and problematize the epistemic and praxeological assumptions of the ways in which we can confront these challenges; a fundamental question in, and for, intercultural philosophy, understood as an integral aperture towards a dialogue among the many voices of philosophy, articulated from the plurality of cultures. This opening demands adopting an intercultural attitude in the tasks of philosophy, one that must translate not only into efforts to listen to the Other, but also into raising consciousness of the particularity of cultural horizons and, with this, of the inevitable centrism of one’s own thought.

Author Biography

Bertold Bernreuter , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Bertold Bernreuter enseña filosofía intercultural en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Es fundador y director de la revista internacional po-lylog. Foro para filosofía intercultural ( Estudió filosofía, comunicación intercultural, filología alemana, geografía y pedagogía en las Universidades de Münster, Viena, México (UNAM) y Munich. Sus principales intereses de investigación residen en cuestiones de filosofía política y social en orientación intercultural, con un enfoque regional en las filosofías latino-americanas, en particular las filosofías indígenas.



How to Cite

Bernreuter , B. . (2013). The Intercultural Challenge of Philosophy: Learning to Dialogue in a Plural Key. Devenires, 14(27), 129–145. Retrieved from


