Carlos Lenkersdorf
Tojolabal and the Pragmatic Dimension of Language
Lenkersdorf, Tojolabal People, linguistics, pragmatics, intersubjectivityAbstract
Carlos Lenkersdorf’s work on the Tojolabal language is particularly relevant not only to specific studies of the relationships among different cultures, but also to the whole field of contemporary philosophy in general. In light of philosophy’s turn towards linguistics, Lenkersdorf’s work can be understood as a contribution to the pragmatic perspective as it relates to languages. This means that, beyond the abstract universalisms that result from the emphasis placed on syntax or semantics, we must focus much greater attention on the way in which social and cultural practices –expressed through grammatical structures or meanings– come to constitute the universe of all that which is human. This is precisely the point of view that Lenkersdorf has bequeathed to us through his studies of language and the universe of “true men”.
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