The Habermasian and Deleuzian Appropriation of Austin and Searle’s Theory of Speech Acts


  • Juan Cruz Cuamba Herrejón Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


Speech act, communicative action, consign, imperative, perlocutionary


The theory of speech acts of Austin and Searle allowed positioning the pragmatic within the philosophical field to philosophically problematize and describe the many possible relationships between language and world.
A speech act is the realization of an action in the moment of enunciation. Habermas appropriated of the theory of speech acts of Searle to extract from it a normative content interpreting the conditions of possibility of a speech act as the rules of use without which this act would not exist, so that, for Habermas the language theory is part of the action theory and both have universalist pretensions. Deleuze and Guattari, recovering more to Austin, put the emphasis not on the rules of use, but in the implicit imperative presuppositions, that make possible the realization and the enunciation of the speech act. And from their interpretation of the language in terms of consign and free indirect discourse allowed thinking not only a distinction of the different regimes of signs but the absence of an extra-linguistic or transcendent origin of language. The objective of this paper is to show how the deleuzo-guattarian critique of the assumptions of the linguistic based on the pragmatic can affect the articulation and the support of the theory of communicative action of Habermas.

Author Biography

Juan Cruz Cuamba Herrejón, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Es licenciado en Filosofía por la UMSNH y licenciado en Educación Primaria por la Escuela Normal Urbana Federal de Morelia, así como maestro en Filosofía de la Cultura por la UMSNH. Realizó una estancia de investigación con el Dr. Miguel Morey Farré en la Universitat de Barcelona. Ha sido ponente en diversas ocasiones, desde los Encuentros Nacionales de Estudiantes y Pasantes de Filosofía, en la 4ª Jornada de
investigación “Política y verdad” de la UMSNH, en diversos Conversatorios sobre la filosofía de Martin Heidegger en esa misma universidad, así como en las ix Jornadas Internacionales de Filosofía Política “Entre el normativismo y la crítica” de la UB, y en el Coloquio Internacional “Pensamiento e inmanencia: apuntes sobre la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze” de la UNAM. Sus investigaciones actuales giran en torno al concepto de crítica en sus más variadas vertientes filosóficas y a temas relacionados con filosofía política.


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How to Cite

Juan Cruz Cuamba Herrejón. (2014). The Habermasian and Deleuzian Appropriation of Austin and Searle’s Theory of Speech Acts . Devenires, 15(29), 83–103. Retrieved from


