P. Ricoeur: explanation of interdependence between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics


  • Mª Carmen López Sáenz UNED, Madrid


hermeneutic phenomenology, Husserl, Ricoeur, eidetic description, incarnate existence


This paper analyzes P. Ricoeur’s contributions to the phenomenology of action, focusing mainly on two works from 1950: his version of the translation of Ideas I, and the first volume of his Philosophy of the Will, in which he applies a critical understanding of phenomenology beyond the acts of consciousness to actions and the resulting works, not only incorporating eidetic description, but also exercising a certain hermeneutics of will that begins to put into practice a dialectics with the involuntary while simultaneously turning to explanatory methodologies.

A decade later, Ricoeur would delve more fully into the hermeneutics of symbols, which he inserted into philosophy, and even into the interpretation of the unconscious. In 1975, he described the circularity of the phenomenological presupposition of hermeneutics as well as the hermeneutical presupposition of phenomenology. Later still, in the 1990s, he would make use of both of these elements to elucidate the one-self. In this article, we show that the possibility of his hermeneutical phenomenology consists in developing the interdependence between these two currents.

Author Biography

Mª Carmen López Sáenz, UNED, Madrid

Licenciada en Filosofía, licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología y doctora en Filosofía por la UAB. Profesora Titular de Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea en la UNED, Madrid (España), acreditada a Catedrática de Universidad. Presidenta de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología. Autora de numerosos estudios sobre sus temas de investigación (Teoría crítica, fenomenología de la existencia, fenomenología y feminismo, hermenéutica filosófica, sociofenomenología e intersubjetividad, interculturalidad) en revistas especializadas y libros colectivos. Sus libros más recientes: Racionalismo y relativismo. En el laberinto de la diversidad, Biblioteca Nueva, 2012, autora de Corrientes actuales de Filosofía I. En-clave fenomenológica, Madrid, Dykinson, 2012, Dos filosofías del sentir. M. Merleau-Ponty y M. Zambrano, EAE, 2013.


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How to Cite

López Sáenz, M. C. (2015). P. Ricoeur: explanation of interdependence between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Devenires, 16(31), 13–42. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/281


