The possibility of a generative phenomenology

Could the “home-world/alien-world” structure be the new explicative starting point for phenomenology?


  • Esteban Ignacio Marín Ávila Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


generative phenomenology, appropriation, transgression, familiarity, alienness


The main topic of this article is the problem of constituting familiarity and alienness in transcendental phenomenology. However, the very nature of this problem entails a social dimension that must be addressed through recourse to generativity; i.e., the condition of pertaining to a historical intersubjectivity. The article draws primarily on the thesis and concepts of Anthony J. Steinbock, who in his book, Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl, seeks to take up and develop in a radical manner certain theses found in Edmund Husserl’s later writings on intersubjectivity. It sets out some of the advantages and implications of an attempt to account for the problem of constituting familiarity and alienness through recourse to the notions of ‘appropriation’ and ‘transgression’, while also discussing the reasons why it is impossible to develop this within the framework of generative phenomenology as posited by Steinbock. Consequently, it contains a proposal to re-think the relationship among static, genetic and generative phenomenology, together with their objects of study. In a certain sense, this proposal constitutes a return to Husserl, though it claims to emerge from the things themselves.

Author Biography

Esteban Ignacio Marín Ávila, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestro en Filosofía (área ontología) por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, actualmente realiza el Doctorado en Filosofía (área ética), en la misma universidad con el proyecto de investigación: El concepto fenomenológico de comunidad y la fundamentación fenomenológica de la ética y de la política. Asesor principal: Dr. Antonio Zirión Quijano. Becario del CONACyT. En 2013 fue investigador invitado en el Archivo Husserl de Colonia. Husserls-Archiv Köln, Universität zu Köln, Alemania, y de 2012 a 2013 realizó una estancia de investigación de año y medio bajo la supervisión del Prof. Dr. László Tengelyi, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Alemania. Es autor de varios artículos y cuentos e integrante del Círculo Latinoamericano de Fenomenología. Sitio web: Actualmente es Profesor de asignatura en la Universidad La Salle (Maestría en Filosofía Social).


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How to Cite

Marín Ávila, E. I. (2015). The possibility of a generative phenomenology: Could the “home-world/alien-world” structure be the new explicative starting point for phenomenology?. Devenires, 16(32), 39–55. Retrieved from


