Postcolonial Theory as Global Critical Theory


  • Ina Kerner HU BERLIN


Postcolonial Theory, Global Critical Theory, Eurocentrism, Power Relations, Frankfurt School


Postcolonial theory and critical theory are sometimes seen as competing theoretical endeavors: the former is in this case associated with post-structuralism, the latter with the Frankfurt school; the former with a critique of all forms of Eurocentrism, the latter as deeply rooted in European experiences, and, at least from the second generation, as problematically aligned with traditional notions of progress. Against such juxtapositions, in this paper an interpretation of postcolonial theory as global critical theory is put forward. To this end, postcolonial theory is presented as a critical project that is characterized by four features: First, it escapes methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism, and is marked by peripheral experiences and a particular sensibility for global power relations, which often lead to critiques of such power relations and their effects. Second, it is self-reflexive. Third, postcolonial theory, as well as the empirical studies it inspires, transcends the boundaries of academic disciplines. Finally, postcolonial theory aims at resistance, transformation, and change, and therefore links up with political debate and action, inside and outside of the academy.

Author Biography

Ina Kerner, HU BERLIN

Es politóloga y enseña en el Instituto de Ciencias Sociales de la Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin en Alemania. Es autora de “Más allá de la unidimensionalidad: Conceptualizando la relación entre el racismo y el sexismo”, en la revista Signos Filosóficos (2009), entre otras publicaciones. Se doctoró en el 2006 con la tesis Diferencias y poder. Sobre la anatomía del racismo y del sexismo (summa cum laude). Sus áreas de investigación son teoría política contemporánea, teoría feminista, teoría política postcolonial, diversidad e interseccionalidad, feminismo global, entre otras.


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How to Cite

Kerner, I. (2016). Postcolonial Theory as Global Critical Theory. Devenires, 17(34), 157–185. Retrieved from


