DICERE, Year 2 No. 4, january-june 2024, is a biannual publication edited by the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo through the Coordination of Scientific Research, Av. Francisco J. Mújica, s/n, Ciudad Universitaria , C.P. 58030, Tel. +52 443 322 3500, https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/dicere/ojs/, dicere.publicaciones@umich.mx. Publisher: Fabian Herrera Leon. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use No. 04-2022-060714500100-102, ISSN: 2954-369X, both granted by the National Institute of Copyright. Responsible for the last update of this Number, Scientific Research Coordination, Building C-2., Av. Francisco J. Mújica, s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P. 58030, Tel. (443) 316 74 36 and Fax (443) 327 23 66, Responsible for the last update of this Number, Area of ​​Technologies and Information Processes of the Coordination of Scientific Research, Hugo César Guzmán Rivera, date of last modification, june 14, 2024.


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