About Juan Carlos González Vidal and Arturo Morales Campos, Semioanthropobiology and cognition, Mexico, Ithaca, 2022, 157 pp., ISBN 978-607-8856-22-0

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Felipe Mata Anguiano


About Juan Carlos González Vidal and Arturo Morales Campos, Semioantropobiología y cognición, México, Ítaca, 2022, 157 pp., ISBN 978-607-8856-22-0There has always been a need to explain the composition and behavior of the human being, whether in their sociocultural conditions or in their individuality as biological and psychological subjects; from this, different spaces have been given from which it is studied, such as, for example, biology, sociology and anthropology. At present, other areas of knowledge have derived from these fields, such as philosophy, semiotics, linguistics, psychology, medicine and history, etc.
The above was circumscribed, according to what is proposed in the book Semioantropobiología y cognición, as parceled spaces of knowledge about man as an object of study.


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How to Cite
Mata Anguiano, F. (2024). About Juan Carlos González Vidal and Arturo Morales Campos, Semioanthropobiology and cognition, Mexico, Ithaca, 2022, 157 pp., ISBN 978-607-8856-22-0. DICERE, (6), 133–134. https://doi.org/10.35830/dc.vi6.115