About Gema Kloppe-Santamaría, In the maelstrom of violence. State formation, (in)justice and lynchings in post-revolutionary Mexico, Mexico, Grano de Sal / CIDE, 2023, 267 pp., ISBN-Grano de Sal 978-607- 59437-8-7, ISBN-CIDE 978-607 -8791-39-2

Main Article Content

Roberto Daniel Pérez García


In the maelstrom of violence, Gema Kloppe-Santamaría meticulously undertakes a series of arguments that provide a new perspective on the understanding of lynching. This problem, as the author soon notes, is long-standing and of crucial importance in the formation and constitution of the modern Mexican State. Therefore, we are facing a novel effort; but, furthermore, They address a series of concerns that revolve and are lucidly reviewed throughout each of the pages that make up this book: are lynchings the product of an absent statehood? What senses does this social violence produce? Who are its perpetrators? What are your reasons?


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How to Cite
Pérez García, R. D. . (2024). About Gema Kloppe-Santamaría, In the maelstrom of violence. State formation, (in)justice and lynchings in post-revolutionary Mexico, Mexico, Grano de Sal / CIDE, 2023, 267 pp., ISBN-Grano de Sal 978-607- 59437-8-7, ISBN-CIDE 978-607 -8791-39-2. DICERE, (5), 81–84. https://doi.org/10.35830/dc.vi5.104