Copyright policy

Devenires: Journal of Philosophy and Pilosophy of Culture recognizes its authors' moral rights over their contributions. Copyright is transferred to the editing institution, the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.

Once a contribution has been accepted and published online, authors are free to disseminate it through any electronic or print media and make it available in public repositories, personal web pages, etc., provided the original publicaction is cited and, if possible, a direct link to the online publication in Devenires is provided.

Devenires allows the partial or total reedition of a contribution published in its pages, provided that:

  1. The reproduction is free of charge and not published for profit. 
  2. No changes are introduced to the original text.
  3. The reproduction states that the text has originally been published in Devenires and the full reference is added.
  4. Prior authorization is obtained from both the the author and the editor of Devenires.Requests for republishing work first appeared in Devenires may be sent by email to the Managing Editor. Please provide the complete reference of the material you wish to reedit (volume, number, year, author, title, page numbers), as well as details of where it will be published.