Crisis and Reconstruction in Critical Theory


  • Michael J. Thompson



Marxism, postmetaphysics, neoidealism, critical social ontology


In this paper, I present a critique of the contemporary strands of post-metaphysical critical theory. I maintain that shifts in political economy need to be taken into account when understanding the normative theories that have developed and why they are insufficient as a critical theory of society. I end by presenting an alternative paradigm: that of a critical social ontology that takes the full structure of human needs and capacities into account. 

Author Biography

Michael J. Thompson

Michael J. Thompson es profesor de Teoría Política en la Universidad William Paterson y psicoanalista en ejercicio en la ciudad de Nueva York. Sus libros incluyen: The Domestication of Critical Theory (Rowman and Littlefield, 2016), The Specter of Babel: A Reconstruction of Political Judgment (SUNY, 2020), Twilight of the Self: The Decline of the Individual in Late Capitalism (Stanford, 2022), Descent of the Dialectic: Phronetic Criticism in an Age of Nihilism (Routledge, en prensa).


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How to Cite

Thompson, M. J. (2024). Crisis and Reconstruction in Critical Theory. Devenires, 25(50), 57–86.


