What is philosophizing? Towards a reading of the series of fragments 2a-f of Aristotle's Protrepticus
metaphilosophy, research, inquiry, demonstration, contemplative knowledge, normative knowledgeAbstract
In the series of fragments 2 of the Protrepticus, philosophy is characterized as: 1) the exercise of researching/inquiring or demonstrating (2a, 2d and 2e), 2) a knowledge of contemplative character (2a) and 3) the guiding science that allows us to know how to act correctly (2f). The reading of these extracts, in the light of the remaining preserved fragments, leads us to think that these characterizations can be interpreted as different aspects of the same conception of philosophy. For this reason, it not only allows us to understand the complexity that this conception had in the Protrepticus, but also the partiality supposed by the common association between philosophy and theoretical knowledge. In this paper we propose to analyze this question. To do so, we divide it into three parts, in which we deal with the three aspects of philosophy mentioned above, as well as the relationship among them.
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