The Mystery of the Feminine: Sacred Temple and Unknown Territory in Inés Arredondo's 'Río subterráneo'
mythical language, Mexican short story, storyteller and subjectivity, theory and criticismAbstract
Recent litarary criticism of Inés Arredondo’s work has brought a deeper understanding of the artistic complexity of her writing. Our present objective is to analyze the story 'Río subterráneo' from perspectives related to the exploration of the mythical and the ancestral, thus contributing to its complex symbolic interpretation. Classical studies such as those of Claude Lévi-Strauss or later ones such as Camille Paglia's configure elements that, transferred into literary analysis, contribute to the understanding of the story’s symbolic character. These perspectives allow us to enrich the interpretation of the story’s main characters, throwing new light to the study of the feminine and its relationship with the ancestral and the symbolic. Through the analysis of the enunciations of the characters, and especially that of the narrator, we find that her search for truth is related to the ideas of the ancestral power of nature, and of nature's relationship with the centrality of the feminine. A language that can only be claimed through contemplation and poetic experience of the world, thus recovering the power of mythical language to explain reality in the face of the positivism of modernity.
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