Philosophy and poetry as styles of thought


  • Jairo Vladimir Sandoval Mota Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


truth, language, singularity, experience


The present work aims to clarify the relations between philosophy and poetry. These two forms of human expression have long been characterized by a hiatus that, according to some approaches, makes them irreconcilable. Nonetheless, the approach here taken does not focus exclusively on their differences, nor on the primacy of one form over the other, but rather investigates those specific characteristics that would seem to isolate the two in their own spheres, after which it questions the limits that seem to split them. The starting point is a recognition that both forms are, in their fundamental nucleus, linguistic experiences and productions that consequently entail an exercise in style, which is not a minor aspect but, on the contrary, a defining key of both activities as a manifestation of thought (and therefore, of ways of approaching reality). Ultimately, it is argued, poetry as well as philosophy are styles of thought, which means that each of these activities thinks in its own way by saying something about reality that is irreducible to any other saying.

Author Biography

Jairo Vladimir Sandoval Mota, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Ha sido ponente nacional e internacional en diferentes congresos con temáticas sobre filosofía y ciencias sociales. Ejerce como consultor filosófico y es miembro del grupo internacional Deep Philosophy (Filosofía Profunda), una organización de práctica filosófica centrada en dar expresión a la filosofía como fuente de sentido para la vida. Es miembro del Centro Educativo para la Creación Autónoma en Prácticas Filosóficas (CECAPFI), desempeñándose como Coordinador en el área de Traducción y como parte del Equipo de Cursos y Talleres. Actualmente concluye su investigación dentro del programa de Maestría en Humanidades con énfasis en Filosofía Contemporánea en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, con el apoyo del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.


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2023-01-15 — Updated on 2023-01-30


How to Cite

Sandoval Mota, J. V. (2023). Philosophy and poetry as styles of thought. Devenires, 24(47), 9–42. Retrieved from (Original work published January 15, 2023)


