Logos, Spirit, and Pearl
The Collaboration of María Zambrano and Agustín Andreu
St. Augustine of Hippo, Trinity, Clement of Alexandria, Catholic churchAbstract
Spanish philosophers María Zambrano (1904-1991) and Agustín Andreu (b. 1928) maintained an epistolary interchange from 1973 to 1976, and in 2002, Andreu published 78 of Zambrano’s letters in Cartas de La Pièce (Correspondencia con Agustín Andreu). This essay focuses on two of the topics that Andreu has identified as the heart of their dialogue: those philosophers and theologians who were excluded from academic and ecclesiastical institutions; and different visions of the relationship between Logos and Spirit - or, new ways of conceiving the divine. In addition to reviewing the content of the letters, this article addresses the introduction and conclusion in which Andreu deciphers the epistolary conversation, and it concludes by glancing at a few of the texts in which Andreu has continued to charitably expand the perspective of institutions in the years after his correspondence with María Zambrano.
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