The comunitarian construction of identity and its posible relationship uit multiculturalism


  • Dora Elvira García Universidad Intercontinental


comunity, identity, multiculturalism


After thinking on the idea of identity based in such different authors such as Villoro and Pereda, we recover Ortiz-Osés concept of symbolic identity: In this paper we state two domains of identity: the personal and the communitarian. The former is considered as made up by the same community. The statement of the concept of identity allows us to approach into a problem of great current importance on the social and political thought and, after such a task, to double think the mighty relationship with multiculturalism.


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How to Cite

García, D. E. . (2001). The comunitarian construction of identity and its posible relationship uit multiculturalism. Devenires, 2(3), 87–104. Retrieved from


