The public and the private in the political speech of Hannah Arendt


  • Rubí de María Gómez Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


public, private, Hannah Arendt


We currently happenned to see a strong separation from men to women reinforcing the dichotomical and hierarchical world view; in a time when it is also produced an interpretation of the private-public domains —as Hannah Arendt holds— where the private domain is invalidated. By facingthis situation we hold a critic of the identification over the private and the public for men’s and women’s space, respectively; and of the conceptual hierarchy, based on this identification, legitimates the sexual inequalities. In doing so, we keep the critic of a position shared by traditionalistic and feministic theories: the conceptual hierarchy determining a superior value to the public domain in front of the private dimension, giving as a result the untouched excluding designation of both spheres.


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How to Cite

Gómez, R. de M. . (2001). The public and the private in the political speech of Hannah Arendt. Devenires, 2(3), 5–26. Retrieved from


