A normative model of intercultural relationships


  • León Olivé Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


violence, domination, pluralism


The paper shows a proposal containing a group of conditions and norms to guide the relationships between different cultures to find solutions to situations of conflict, violence and domination. The model is proposed as a pluralistic one, an alternative model to the classic rationalistic and contemporary conceptions. This means we do not establish neither ideal conditions, nor perfectly rational individual nor universal and unique of its kind foundations of the proposed norms, but the real conditions of cultures are taken as standing points, some minimal capacities of the individual to the understanding and it is accepted the possibility in which norms can be established according to several criteria and different cultural conceptions.


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How to Cite

Olivé, L. . (2002). A normative model of intercultural relationships. Devenires, 3(6), 23–39. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/658


