About the theorical uses of Michel Foucault


  • Rafael Farfán H. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco


Foucault, author, object


In 1969 Michel Foucault wondered What is an author? This article attempts to answer a similar question What happened to Foucault as an “author”? Or even better What would happen if we submit Foucault to his own historical research criteria? By giving an answer we show how he has become an object of “knowledge” of western academic disciplines, from philosophy to the socalled “human sciences”, and considering the main productive centers of such knowledge as a reference, it is to say, from Italy to USA, or from England to Germany. Our thesis is that the “uses of Foucault” are in a mediation by the different historical forms in which philosophy and human sciences have been stablished as natural traditions of research and, unfortunately, few of these “uses” are used to discuss the established production practices and the reproduction of human knowledge.


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How to Cite

Farfán H., R. . (2003). About the theorical uses of Michel Foucault. Devenires, 4(7), 73–106. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.umich.mx/revistas/devenires/ojs/article/view/649


