From the society of the spectacle to the spectacle of disappearance

Culture and banality in the theory of simulation by Jean Baudrillard


  • Fabián Giménez Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana Vivimos


culture, banality, simulation


We live in a deep irony, the vanality, keept and exorcized on the limits of representation became the fatal fate of our culture adopting the own figures of the strategy without a subjetc, a sofisticated world revenge or a return of the repressed. The cruelest thing of reality is not its stupid terrible, insgnificant, ephimeral, carachter, but the thruth of all of these. Vanality as fate, real as an alibi, as one of the fine arts. The simulation theory approaches a group of extrem phaenomenons where the culture and the social adopt paradoxical vanishing ways: transparency, obscenity, insignificance. After his socio-fiction exercises, Jean Baudrillard suggests an analizis on this transpolitical figures as a place where the show society becomes the vanishing show, end scene of representation and fascinating and fatal beginning of the banal strategies.


Woody Allen. Perfiles. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1980.

Roland Barthes. La cámara lúcida. Barcelona: Paidós, 1997.

Jean Baudrillard. El crimen perfecto. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1996.

Clément Rosset. El principio de crueldad. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1994.

Andy Warhol. Mi filosofía de A a B y de B a A. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1998.



How to Cite

Giménez, F. . (2003). From the society of the spectacle to the spectacle of disappearance: Culture and banality in the theory of simulation by Jean Baudrillard. Devenires, 4(8), 163–169. Retrieved from


