Theory and praxis from the history of ideas

Cassirer and his Reading of the european Illustration after de debate about Kant celebrated in Davos


  • Roberto R. Aramayo Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC, Madrid


history of ideas, Cassirer, Kant


Cassire’s philosophy seems to be experimented an ethical twist, an inwardness of Kantian praxis, all about the debate with Heidegger about his personal and antagonistic interpretations of Kantian philosophy in Davos, the same place where Thomas Mann places The magic mountain where the main part is an argument between a close minded traditional man and a guy who’s arguments are totally anti-ethics. Also a dialogue with Axel Hägerstrom, Cassirer shows off the principal codes of his moral and legal philosophy, both defend the Republic of Weimar, as he did in his conference “The idea of the republican construction”. The turning point is that Cassirer appropriates him self the values of the European illustration and by doing a history of the ideas he applies the theoria cum praxi, specially when he does his readings from Rousseau, Kant and Goethe.

Author Biography

Roberto R. Aramayo, Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC, Madrid

Historiador de la ideas morales y políticas, es Profesor de Investigación en el Instituto de Filosofía del CSIC, donde actualmente oficia como Jefe del Departamento de Filosofía TeorÉtica, edita (en tándem con Javier Muguerza, y Francisco Maseda) la Revista de filosofía moral y política Isegoría <http//> y coordina (junto a Concha Roldán y Txetxu Ausín) el proyecto académico-editorial Theoria cum Praxi. Entre sus publicaciones destacan sus múltiples ediciones críticas de Leibniz, Voltaire, Federico el Grande, Rousseau, Kant, Schopenhauer o Cassirer, así como sus libros Crítica de la razón ucrónica (Tecnos, 1992), La quimera del rey filósofo (Taurus, 1997), Para leer a Schopenhauer (Alianza Editorial, 2001) e Immanuel Kant: La utopía moral como emancipación del azar (Edaf, 2001).


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How to Cite

Aramayo, R. R. . (2009). Theory and praxis from the history of ideas: Cassirer and his Reading of the european Illustration after de debate about Kant celebrated in Davos. Devenires, 10(19), 151–179. Retrieved from


