Cultural Patrimony and Variables of Emotionality

Museums and Processes of Identification of Objectual Memory


  • Iñaki Díaz Balerdi Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco


cultural patrimony, museum, objectual memory, paternalism, aesthetics


After establishing two classifications regarding the public that visits museums and citizens’ attitudes towards them —potential and real in the first case; hostile, indifferent and favorable, in the second— this essay begins by assuming the “freezing” implicit in exhibiting objects in museums, with the resulting loss of the emotionality that results from pieces being decontextualized from the place to which they pertain through subjection to certain supposed criteria of rationality and objectivity dictated by specialists. On the one hand, the
latter are entrusted with the task of deciding what patrimony (heritage) is, what items should be conserved and exhibited, and how they should be socialized, from an attitude towards the citizenry that is by no means free of paternalism. On the other, museums echo the new aesthetics by exhibiting all kinds of objects, while simultaneously being transformed into galleries of consumption. In this way, a new vision of museums is imposed, in which the voice and opinion of the citizenry are heard during the conception and negotiations, while their active participation brings the cultural patrimony to life, so that people can feel it as their own.

Author Biography

Iñaki Díaz Balerdi, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/Universidad del País Vasco

Con estudios en las universidades de Salamanca, México D.F. (UNAM) y Madrid (Complutense), tras ejercer como técnico superior en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava, es en la actualidad profesor titular en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad del País Vasco. Así mismo participa en distintos proyectos de investigación -sobre patrimonio y museología- y como profesor invitado en programas de postgrado nacionales y extranjeros. Ha escrito libros y artículos sobre arte prehispánico mesoamericano (Los felinos en la escultura azteca, 1991; Escultura azteca. Una aproximación a su estética,) y, en el campo de la museología, es editor de Miscelánea Museológica (Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao 1994) y autor de La memoria fragmentada. Las paradojas del museo (Ed. Trea, Gijón 2008), así como de diversos artículos publicados en revistas especializadas.


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How to Cite

Díaz Balerdi, I. . (2010). Cultural Patrimony and Variables of Emotionality: Museums and Processes of Identification of Objectual Memory. Devenires, 11(22), 163–180. Retrieved from


