Realism, Surrealism and Celebration

The Paintings of Alex Colville in the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada


  • Patrick A. E. Hutchings University of Western Australia
  • Hélène Trottier (translator) UMSNH


Alex Colville, existence, art, human condition


In this article published in 1966, Patrick A.E. Hutchings describes the plastic work of Alex Colville (1920), a Canadian painter, as an image of “concern for the present time and for life as it is”. The author links the concept of art to the notion of celebration, considering that this is precisely what Colville develops through his work: the celebration of the ordinary life of middle class people in a democratic society. Thus, Colville’s work must be understood not in terms of realism (like a snapshot taken with a Kodak camera), or surrealism (a delirious and incomprehensible subjectivity) but, rather, as a celebration of daily life. Some fifty years after its publication, the author’s perspective remains accurate. Colville’s work is an invitation to meditate on reality and the human condition.
(Abstract written by the translator, Hélène Trottier.)

Author Biography

Patrick A. E. Hutchings, University of Western Australia

Nacido en Wellington, Nueva Zelanda, tiene una Licenciatura en Literatura (Nueva Zelanda) y una Maestría en Arte (Oxford). Es profesor asociado en el Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Melbourne. Ha impartido clases de Filosofía del Arte en la Universidad de Melbourne y en el Instituto Real de Tecnología de Melbourne. Es profesor en la cátedra de Arte John Power en la Universidad de Sydney. Ha sido profesor invitado de inglés en la Universidad de California; de filosofía y literatura en la Universidad de Edimburgo; e investigador al Colegio Birkbeck de la Universidad de Londres. Ha ofrecido conferencias en la Universidad de Western Australia y la Universidad Deakin en filosofía e historia de las ideas. Ha publicado en los campos de filosofía, literatura y estética. Es el editor de la revista Sophia, publicada por Springer, Dordrecht, en los Países Bajos.



How to Cite

Hutchings, P. A. E., & Trottier (translator), H. . (2010). Realism, Surrealism and Celebration: The Paintings of Alex Colville in the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada. Devenires, 11(22), 136–162. Retrieved from


