The Rhetorical Character of Ethics Based on Aristotle


  • Jacob Buganza Instituto de Filosofía Universidad Veracruzana


rethorics, ethics, Aristotle


The objective of this study is to clarify how and why ethics can make use of rhetoric. To do so, it takes up the philosophy of Aristotle, which contains a certain harmony among the concepts of dialectic, rhetoric and ethics, though the analysis focuses primarily on the latter two concepts in an attempt to uncover the relationship between them in Aristotelian philosophy. The thesis is that a model such as the one contained in Aristotelian philosophy makes a union of these two instances possible, without one being lost in the search for the other. Moreover, it allows us to understand why Aristotle’s ethics is not apodictic but, rather, one that is attentive to context; that is, community.

Author Biography

Jacob Buganza, Instituto de Filosofía Universidad Veracruzana

Jacob Buganza es Profesor-investigador en el Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Veracruzana. Ahí mismo es Coordinador del Doctorado en Filosofía. Además, es profesor de la Facultad de Filosofía de la misma universidad, donde coordina  la  Maestría  en  Filosofía.  Entre  sus  publicaciones  recientes  pueden destacarse: El  ser  y  el  bien (Edizioni  Rosminiani  Sodalitas,  Stresa,  2010)  y  Panomara de los sistemas éticos de los siglos XIX y XX (RIHE, México, 2011).


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How to Cite

Buganza, J. . (2011). The Rhetorical Character of Ethics Based on Aristotle. Devenires, 12(24), 126–145. Retrieved from


